Technical data

Ships Name: CLAUS D.
Type: Steam Tug
Port of Registry: Hamburg
Inland ship No. 11371
Owner: Museumshafen Oevelgoenne e.V.
Schiffswerfte und Maschinenfabrik (vorm. Janssen und Schmilinsky) AG
riveted steel hull with frames
Built: 1913
Construction-No. 540
Length overall: 17,38 m
Beam: 5,32 m
Draught: 2,20 m
Displacement: 69 t
Boiler: UHLIG Rohrbogen horizontal return tubular boiler
Built: 2009
operating pressure: 12,5 bar
Heatarea: 73 m² 
Bruner: SAACKE
Rotary Cup Oil Bruner SKV 10 mit manual Ignition and manual control
Built: 2009
Main Engine:
Schiffswerfte und Maschinenfabrik (vorm. Janssen und Schmilinsky) AG
2-Zylinder Compound Steam Engine
Built: 1913
Power: 220 HP at 160 RPM
Feed Water Pump: Deutsche Worthington Gesellschaft
Horizontal Duplex-Steampump


Built: 1914
Feed water injector:
Manufacturer and year of built unknown
Steamgenerator: Maschinenfabrik Buckau R. Wolf
Standing 1 Cyl. Steam Engine
Built: 1963
Power: 14 PSe at 1000 RPM
Generator: Farymann Diesel
2 Cyl. V Diesel Engine
Built: 1974


Power: 13,2 kW at 2400 RPM